About Our System
Our training is NOT traditional martial arts, MMA or Krav Maga!
It is for those who want to SURVIVE a street assault, rape, robbery or worse! How does it work? The movements are embedded in the body’s natural movements (Gross Motor Movements) and don’t require massive re-learning techniques.
S.T.R.E.E.T Combat Defense System has combined over 40 years of studying and training to develop a system for the everyday man and woman to use in street assault and attack situations.
Participants receive Certification upon completion of each course.
Classes are NEVER larger than 12-20 Participants.
The S.T.R.E.E.T. Combat Defense System is based on The Fairbairn Techniques of Hand to Hand Combat. From 1926 – 1942, Col. Fairbairn taught the world‘s allied military how to fight. Our techniques are based on the hand-to-hand combative techniques used by the U.S. Military of the WWII and Korean Wars. We do this specifically because of their effectiveness in ALL climates and condition of combat! These hand-to-hand combat techniques were used in scorching heat, torrential tropical and forest rainfalls, heavy snowfalls and blizzards, severe cold (where troops had inferior clothing) and the ground and equipment was freezing... but these are NOT the only reasons.
Before WWII, Col. Fairbairn already had a twenty year career in the British military. Between 1922-1942, he published several works that concentrated on everyday personal defense. Remember, England was under attack years before America entered the fray. From homeland defense to women’s defense, he created books for personal protection before anyone. MAJOR POINT: Many people reference Col. Fairbairn’s illustrious military service, but few talk about what he did for his country for twenty years prior - in the form of self-defense instruction. By July 1940, he was back in the British military as an agent of the S.I.S. (now known MI6.) His job was to train agents to escape and avoid capture at any cost using techniques that would later be called "gutter fighting."
Now, years after his death, people (especially self-defense instructors) are revisiting his training and techniques. Some people are even buying DVD's from these self-defense teachers who think that know how to use the Fairnbairn techniques. HELL, I had to join the Army, travel overseas, and train with infantrymen who were still active from the Korean war and Vietnam to learn these techniques. I even remember techniques I learned from the Tiger Soldiers (that were still active on the post) while I was stationed in Korea.
Now, years after his death, people (especially self-defense instructors) are revisiting his training and techniques. Some people are even buying DVD's from these self-defense teachers who think that know how to use the Fairnbairn techniques. HELL, I had to join the Army, travel overseas, and train with infantrymen who were still active from the Korean war and Vietnam to learn these techniques. I even remember techniques I learned from the Tiger Soldiers (that were still active on the post) while I was stationed in Korea.
For those who want to train like a soldier, compete in a tournament, win in an MMA match (or any so-called “combat sport”)...
This Course Is Not For You!
In our self-defense courses, we teach you how to survive real-world, life and death encounters. Without this sober mindset, no one (no matter what training or knowledge they possess) can expect to effectively defend themselves (or anyone else.) We use The 5 D's of Self Defense and the three-step method Progressive Boundary Setting by Master Instructor Erik Kondo.
S.T. = Simple Tactics
Based on time-tested military tactics, our simplified AWARENESS TRAINING, will show you how to NEVER become a victim in today’s world.
R.E. = Reality Effective
Our uncomplicated strategies take a realistic approach to today’s threats, and give you effective self defense skills to survive any encounter.
E.T. = Easy Techniques
Though regular physical exercise is recommended for self-defense, most of our instruction calls for little to no physical training. Our techniques employ "GMM" or Gross Motor Movement, which relies on muscle "memory" rather than years of arduous practice.
There Are No “secrets” To Self-defense! We Train You By Using:
Awareness And Assertiveness Training
Adrenal Rush Training
Gross Motor Movements
Body Movement Defense Techniques
Tactics And Techniques
Besides learning hand to hand combat while in the military, here is a list of men that were inspirational and influential in the creation of the S.T.R.E.E.T Combat Defense System. They also happen to be the world’s best in combatives, personal defense, hand-to-hand fighting, reality-based self defense and self protection.
Because of the need for the purity of REAL military hand-to-hand combat, I used their books, DVDs and training, as a reference for my System. These are just a few of the individuals who have aided me in integrating practical techniques into my system.
(NOTE: No claim of Personal Training or Certifications
from any these people are made at the current time.)
Please click on any name and you will be taken to their respect sites
Our Seminars fill up mighty FAST! WHY? Just pick up the paper or watch the news
and you will see that everyone needs simple self-protection skills in today’s world.
Ready to get started?
Read our testimonials or attend our next seminar.